WASHINGTON, District of Columbia — Last Thursday on The 700 Club, a Christian ministry variety show on the Christian Broadcasting Network, controversial televangelist Pat Robertson said he felt sorry for Caitlyn Jenner’s romantic future.
Mr. Robertson said he doubts if Ms. Jenner, former Olympian Bruce Jenner who at age 65 is undergoing gender transformation, would be able to find romance after completion of his gender transformation because nobody would want someone in “her condition at his age.”
“Who’s going to want an old white woman with their junk all messed up like that,” said the conservative Christian icon. “You know, I just can’t see it because only God would know what kind of man would want an old white woman whose stuff is all jumbled up like a box of jigsaw puzzle pieces.”
Mr. Robertson said Mr. Jenner’s daughters should have tried to talk her out of undergoing gender transformation, but he figured they “are too self-absorbed in their own little dirty shenanigans to pay attention to their poor, lost dad.”
He did expressed a possible romantic option. “Perhaps, there’s a slim chance he’ll find one of those rapper type guys that her daughters just can’t seem to get enough of, so maybe the apple won’t fall too far from the tree,” he said.
“You know, some of those guy are so bummed out, into all kinds of fornicating, drugs, booze, low life, you name it, ready for anything, any kind of white woman as long as she’s white. And it’ll suit her right, but it would be a shame to be so lonesome like that for the rest of your life. But that just goes to show you how the Lord doesn’t let evil go unpunished.”
Gaye Crooks covers media and entertainment news.
Image: https://goo.gl/2W3K7Q
Image License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/
Well. Ms. Jenner found a girlfriend. Which is weird.